Made from organic sources of calcium and magnesium. Includes micronutrients and kelp that the competition does not for additional benefit and overall plant health.
Double concentration than most the competition at an affordable price
1-1-3 A biodynamic combination of micronized soft rock phosphate, fishmeal, kelp, elemental sulfur, worm castings, humates, long and short chained polysaccharides and several other carbon compounds. This mixture will...
9-2-3-2Ca Formulated for High Growth! 9-2-3-2ca plus biological package of beneficial soil bacteria, microbes, amino acids and mycorrhizae. A dynamic balanced source of organic nitrogen. Derived from plant based...
1-2-5-3Ca-2S Maximize your blooms! This product is designed to be used in the reproductive stage of plant growth to prepare the plant to make the best blooms possible. Provides beneficial...