Organic fertilizers nutrients biologicals and microbes
Super Cal-Mag Plus. 10 x stronger than other "Cal-Mag" products
Calcium, magnesium, trace elements and potassium in a carbon and kelp base. This product contains a generous amount of available calcium and magnesium in an optimum proportion. It has a balanced amount of potassium, silica and boron from the raw kelp. The ratio of calcium to magnesium is ideal. Bio cultures have been added to resolubilize the existing but unavailable calcium already in the soil, allowing these nutrients to be very available to the root hair and strengthening to the root frame. Calcium carbonate when bonded to organic carbon becomes very leaf friendly. This concentrated liquid is convenient to use and is suitable for fertigation, drip tape or foliar nutrient application.
*Application cost less than $6.00 per acre
*dilute 1 gallon concentrated liquid to 10-20 gallons of water
Call for quote 275 Gallons (Tote)
Engineered to provide the strongest and most balanced soil biological treatment available on the market. Loaded with beneficial mycorrhizae and trichoderma fungi, spirulina, and over 20 strains of beneficial soil...
Five key products for optimum growth and flavor. Includes over 20 strains of beneficial soil bacteria, microbes, amino acids and mycorrhizae in addition to the organic nutrients. Get great growth,...
4-2-5-3Ca-2S Complete is an “all in one” product combining the super effective products: SeaStar, PKS & Cal, Crop Recycle and Soil Infusion. This combination is an excellent choice for many...
We are celebrating over 15 years of serving farmers, growers and consumers with our organic formulations to help them reach maximum potential. Over 400 farms have made the switch from conventional chemical products to organic growth.
© 2025 Terra Biotics.
New soluble organic Biostimulant products!
We are now the sales agents for high quality, 100% soluble OMRI Amino Acids (nitrogen), Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid and Seaweed Extract!
Check the pricing on these products You will love it!